Thank you Peter Bentley for sharing your businessman insight. I agree totally with what you wrote in your post earlier.
I have been a businessman all my life manufacturing large hydraulic machinery for the steel industry world wide. We found after the first prototypes that our customers dictated most all product improvements and changes. We knew our competitors would listen so we had to also. We were unable to control product prices either. We could add the inflation plus a percentage for the cost of the improvements. In the event we could not sell the product at the new price, then we had to learn from the customer what price they could/would pay if we wanted to sell the machinery to them. We then had to adjust the total of the improvements and the price point.
Design obsolescence is always a necessary part of any design. If the product doesn't become obsolete during a given period of time, that it would never be replaced, resulting in the ultimate failure of the manufacturing company.
When I turn on one of the 10 keyboards in my recording studio, I am amazed that it was ever state of the art. I usually change my mind and do not use it. The operating system is too complex, the samples are too low quality, and the time constraints don't allow for relearning the operation of the keyboard/sampler. It is the familiar that we cling to and upgrade. This is what we contirnue to pay for.
It is my understanding that Technics allows their dealers to establish their own retail prices. The local retailer better knows what you are willing to pay for the product in his marketing area, and what the competition offers at that price point. Supply and demand will always dictate price. So too will the need to accept a trade-in that has a "bluebook" value far below what you think it is worth. Yes, there is a published bluebook for all instruments showing wholesale and retail value. The keyboard business is not unlike the automobile business. The end result must be a profit that you the buyer must pay. Without this profit for the manufacturer and the dealer, there will not be a new product from them the following model year.
Moderator SynthZone TECHNICS FORUM Bill Forrest in SAN JOSE, CALIF. USA ICQ # 562519