Speaking of the extended manuals, I do have a few of the extended manuals left for anyone looking for one at the same price of $49.95. International delivery add $7.00 for global priority mail.

With more KN6000 and KN6500 coming into the
market place we are receiving request for this manual again. So, it was necessary to print a small production.

We are not calling for credit card info etc.
for international order due to the cost of
telephone calls etc.

You can place your order (U.S.) by calling 1-877-321-5929 at prompt pin # 3172 or 1829.
toll free in the US. This is a secure line
so you can leave c/c info or we will call you

For international c/c orders please call:
1-843-365-9860 and leave c/c info. This is
also a secure line, and folow up with a email with your shipping address to:

( keybstud@sc.rr.com )

You can review information about this manual
at these sites:

( http://www.keynotepublications.com )
or ( http://www.wtenaykeyboardstudios.com )

Happy Week-end

Walt Tenay