Well I found myself how to do it ....with a lot of coffee and one evening fighting with the freaking KN2000 reference guide (RG) !
I have now a total control over the keyboard thru the MIDI cable and from a PC-sequencer (whatever, say Cakewalk).
When I begin with the KN2000, a problem was to use GM files without entering the GM restricted mode and to be still able to use the rich set of Technics instruments I have paid for : a 250 sounds keyboard with 16 percussion kits.
The versatile KN2000 software has that : Program change mode and Drums type switches.
I recently looked a way to do it automatically from an external sequencer and play alternatively pure SMF files OR private Technics sequences.
1) Playing GM sequence, Cakewalk connected to the KN2000
In this mode Cakewalk plays GM parts and you play a Technics part chosen among 250.
Load the sequence in Cakewalk, see if it uses Universal GM On Sysx ( "F0 7E 7F 09 01 F7", if yes take it off, since it will turn the machine to GM restricted mode. Turn Cakewalk to GM instrument definition settings.
Now you CAN CONTROL ALL OF the KN2000 midi settings and others, using Cakewalk (RG p. 28).
Here are a few examples ; I'll publish the entire a step by step process on the internet. I think it might interest Technics users.
Start by setting NON REAL TIME SYSEX ENABLE to ON,
You can use the pannel but you can do it from Calwalk, in a few milliseconds, sending Technics SYSX,
(all values are in Hexa entered as is -though without the quotes " - in CakeWalk Sysx View) :
"F0 50 2C 01 18 10 20 04 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 51 F7"
this one is always received whatever setting has been set before,
Swap part 16 and 10 on the Basic channel so that DRUMS conform to GM by sending
"F0 50 2C 01 18 10 20 19 40 00 00 01 00 0F 00 02 F7" and
"F0 50 2C 01 18 10 20 1F 40 00 00 01 00 09 00 02 F7"
Now, turn PROG. CHANGE MODE to GM, sending Technics SYSX :
"F0 50 2C 01 18 10 20 0A 22 00 00 01 00 03 00 7F F7"
and DRUMS TYPE to GM sending :
"F0 50 2C 01 18 10 20 0A 23 00 00 01 00 03 00 7E F7"
You can check the result on the midi panel.
The KN2000 understands now GM program change commands and uses GM instruments and drums (on channel 10) BUT YOU STILL can play your part using Technics instruments (eg. you can set RIGHT 1 part to 16' 1' Organ, which is so nice, but not GM).
Store the precious code in a Cakewalk Sysx bank, for later use.
2) Now the way back to the Technics mode
Set PROG. CHANGE MODE to TECH mode, sending :
"F0 50 2C 01 18 10 20 0A 22 00 00 01 00 01 00 7D F7"
and DRUMS TYPE to TECH, sending :
"F0 50 2C 01 18 10 20 0A 23 00 00 01 00 01 00 7C F7"
Restore Factory Basic channel
"F0 50 2C 01 18 10 20 19 40 00 00 01 00 09 00 04 F7"
"F0 50 2C 01 18 10 20 1F 40 00 00 01 00 0F 00 04 F7"
The KN2000 responds now to Tech instrument program changes (RG p.3) with Bank select+Pgm Changes, (use Cakewalk KN2000 definition file in src.ins) and have Drums on channel 16.
Jacques Laporte, France.
More in a dedicated paper.
Thanks to Paul Messick's "Midispy" that I used to dive into the midi channel ("Maximum Midi", Manning ed).
Hope there is no typo ; Sysx have been tested after an initialization, using CakeWalk and Winjammer Professional (my prefered seq.)
Warning : Save your own settings before experimenting.
Note :
Pgm chng mode SYSEX decoded : It turns pgm change mode to GM
"F0 50 2C 01 18 10 20 0A 22 00 00 01 00 03 00 7F F7"
Value in HEX, use WINDOWS calculator,
F0 : Exclusive status,
50 : Technics ID
2C : Individual data command
01 : KN
18 : Model 2000
10 : Ver 2-0 (check for yours, in RG)
20 0A 22 : data address in system area
00 00 01 : data size
00 03 : data (warning to send Hex 03, you must send bytes 00 03)
00 : end of data
7F : check sum (XOR from Tech ID to End of data, 50 XOR 2C XOR 01 etc makes 7F)
F7 : End of Exclusive