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#59699 - 10/16/03 01:44 AM Email List
MrD Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 08/17/03
Posts: 21
Loc: Norway
I notice that BEBOP sometime anonce he had send songs\styles to people on his email list. Is there a list that anyone can join?
In that case where can i join that list.

Best regards
Svein Tore Du�s
Best regards
Svein Tore Du�s

#59700 - 10/16/03 12:19 PM Re: Email List
Ted Rose Offline

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 515
Loc: United States
Originally posted by MrD:
I notice that BEBOP sometime anonce he had send songs\styles to people on his email list. Is there a list that anyone can join?
In that case where can i join that list.

Drop BEBOP a note here on the Forum or e-mail him!

#59701 - 10/16/03 12:21 PM Re: Email List
Ted Rose Offline

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 515
Loc: United States
Originally posted by MrD:
I notice that BEBOP sometime anonce he had send songs\styles to people on his email list. Is there a list that anyone can join?
In that case where can i join that list.

Drop BEBOP a note here on the Forum or e-mail him!

#59702 - 10/16/03 02:00 PM Re: Email List
MrD Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 08/17/03
Posts: 21
Loc: Norway
Oki Thanks

Best regards
Svein Tore Du�s
Best regards
Svein Tore Du�s

#59703 - 10/16/03 02:12 PM Re: Email List
Johnnie.c Offline

Registered: 08/12/01
Posts: 562
Loc: England
Originally posted by Ted Rose:
Drop BEBOP a note here on the Forum or e-mail him!

I think you will find Bebop no longer operates the list for sending out songs

#59704 - 10/17/03 09:21 AM Re: Email List
BEBOP Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/02/00
Posts: 3781
Loc: San Jose, California
I received your email and signed you onto the email list. Welcome to the forum.
I encourage people to put their songs on Cees's homepage. Those that still send their songs to me are forwarded to the email list along with other things I receive that I think the list members might be interested in.
If there is anyone else that wants to be on Bebops lists just send me an email and I will add you in.
Best to all
Originally posted by MrD:
I notice that BEBOP sometime anonce he had send songs\styles to people on his email list. Is there a list that anyone can join?
In that case where can i join that list.


#59705 - 10/17/03 11:29 AM Re: Email List
MrD Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 08/17/03
Posts: 21
Loc: Norway
Thanks a lot...
I hope i will contribute sometimes in the future with my own recordet songs.

Best regards
Svein Tore Du�s
Best regards
Svein Tore Du�s

#59706 - 10/20/03 05:32 PM Re: Email List
Audrey Turner Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 03/19/02
Posts: 1098
Loc: Cambridge, Cambs, England
Hi Bebop

After over a year's absence from the net, it's good to see you are still offering help and advice to us 'oldies'.

I have a download of yours which covered the 6000/6500 and often play it, so if my name has disappeared from your list, I'd very much like to be put back on it again.

Also, when I moved, I lost the e-mail a member sent me explaining how to send you 'songs' as attachments. Any chance of having this explained over the Forum? There must be others like myself who because of ignorance, have never tried to do this.



#59707 - 10/25/03 10:37 AM Re: Email List
BEBOP Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/02/00
Posts: 3781
Loc: San Jose, California
Welcome back to us. Yes, you have missed a lot in a year. I have added you back to one of my email lists as you requested.
Here pasted in its original form is the tutorial on Zipping up your songs and emailing them, per your request. It has been emailed to the lists before and posted on this forum before but yes, there are lots of new members that we have not heard yet, so here goes:
Date: Saturday, May 18, 2002 9:22 AM

I posted this on the forum last night after so many requests and this
morning it occurs to me that I perhaps should mail it to the entire
list. I hope this info will be helpful to those that seek it and for
those that don't need the help please just delete it and thanks to all.

I will assume that everyone knows how to record a song on their
keyboard. If not the instructions for that are in your manual. Basically
you just set up your keyboard the same as you do to play a song. Then
push easy record button and agree with everything it asks you and play
your song into the keyboard. Turn the recording off when you are done
playing. Now push the disc button, then the save button, and save it in
technics format. Be sure you have a formatted disc in the hard drive. Now
you have the song on a floppy and it is time to zip it up.
I think WinZip is the best all around program for our use.
To send a zip file from your floppy do this.
Put the floppy in the computer floppy drive.
Don't start an email and then try to add to it.
Start with the zip file and then add the text to the email it makes and
mail it.
Click on your A drive and bring up the files on the floppy.
Highlight the files you want to zip.
You can hold down control and click each one or you can hold down shift
and click on the first and last file in a row you want to send.
Once they are highlighted right click on one of them and then left click
on Zip and email (files) to:
your WinZip file will open and make the zip file and send it to an email
Now on the email file just click an address into it and then write
text to it and mail it.
This is especially valuable for sending technics format as there are
usually 6 files for each song so 20 songs would be 120 files. You don't
want to send somebody 120 loose files in an email. so you zip them and
send them one zip file and they unzip it to a floppy and stick it in the
keyboard and it is playing 2 minutes after it got there.
It is easy to unzip too. Just double click on the zip file and the
will open up, (assuming you have installed it on your computer). click
extract. In the window that opens, just type in where you want it to go.
usually put A:/ so it goes right to the floppy drive, but I also have a
Directory on
the hard drive named UNZIP for them because sometimes you need to
renumber the files.
You can only have one number per group of song files or they won't show
up in the load
window in your keyboard.
This is maybe too general for some so ask any questions here on the
forum and someone will give you the answer you need or even another way
to do this that they like better.

ADDENDUM 1 April 13, 2003:
Now that you know how to record and zip files. Please do just that and mail them to me to share with all the Technics owners on the email lists. Be sure to advise which Technics keyboard they were recorded on and send a text file of the name of the songs. You will get the credit and a lot of emails from list members that enjoyed your talent and efforts.
Thanks to all and
Happy Easter to all

Moderator SynthZone TECHNICS FORUM
Bill Forrest in SAN JOSE, CALIF. USA
ICQ # 562519


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