The quickest no-cost way to get your floppies on to SD is the one I posted when the 7k was first launched:
If pc experienced, just duplicate the folder structure on a blank SD card, PRIVATE\TECHNICS\KN7000\TFLD00X, making as many TFLD00X folders as you like (up to 99), say TFLD001 to TFLD010. Then drag and drop one floppy contents into each TFLD00X folder.
If not pc experienced, format the 8MB card, save anything in the first file of each of the first 10 folders say. Transfer to card reader, go to each TFLD00X folder and erase all the contents to empty the folder. Then up to the KN7000 folder and erase the KN7000MN.inf file and also the KN7000MN.bak file if it is there. The card is now prepared; drag and drop the contents of one floppy to each TFLD00X folder.
The files will now show up in the screen with the floppy file names ready to load. The card can now be tweaked up, backed up, folder contents and files erased and used for a new set of floppies or pc backups, to be backed up then merged with the previous set of transfers in Song Manager.
Once you have resaved anything on the KN you will have to use software for further transfers to that card and for that it's simple to add a complete new floppy to a new folder with Song Manager and a card reader in one operation, or use a more sophisticated extra program like Fred's KN-SDExplorer.