Translation German to English:
'As an ideal and important supplement of the KN7000 with a larger SD-card, offers the Techmanager7000 everything what the professional user for safety and convenience with larger data-files needs.
As with its former version unfortunate the new Databank Software have to be completely new programmed. For SD-Techmanager7000 it concerns Software, which works realtime with an Panasonic USB SD Card Adapter
- backup with all fuctions of earlier versions;
- Restore, quick and safe, via USB to SD Card Adapter;
- Tools as: copy sound/Technics, rename, Move, Edit Favourites/Song List/User Play List, Print and Delete'
Disclaimer: I take no responsibility of wrong translation
I read in former replies that the Google-bar (a bar for Googles
, I wonder what they drink there?) could help you to translate foreigns pages. Lucky you are..
Originally posted by Alain:
Sorry it is in German and I didn't have the time to translate. Maybe a member off this group could do it.