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#60604 - 03/16/06 01:22 PM Subwoofers
SkyBooks2 Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 03/05/06
Posts: 12
I have understood from helpful users on the forum that a subwoofer would greatly enhance the sound quality of my KN5000. Can someone plaeas advise me of what to look for. i.e company and specs.

I would love to get something "smallish" not one of those heavy bulky things. I would also like to buy it second hand off ebay so if smeone can be kind enough to supply older models which would be easier and cheaper.


Oh, one more question, does the subwoofer cut out my onboard speakers or is it just an add-on.

#60605 - 03/16/06 03:12 PM Re: Subwoofers
Bernie9 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 09/21/02
Posts: 5515
Loc: Port Charlotte,FL,USA
I have this one and it's big brother. Marvelous reviews. I have played many jobs with this sub and two satellites.

This is the most bang for the buck out there. I have bought several thing from Page Comuters, and they good. At $75, they are a steal.

Here is a link

They do not cut out your speakers
pa4X 76 ,SX900, Audya 76,Yamaha S970 , vArranger, Hammond SK1, Ketron SD40, Centerpoint Space Station, Bose compact

#60606 - 03/16/06 03:12 PM Re: Subwoofers
Bill Norrie Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 2330
Loc: North Yorkshire UK
Not sure where you are located, however, there is a range of excellent subwoofers available here :

I use the 'Reference 100' model and I'm very happy with the performance. There are many UK dealers and a list is accessible from the link on the home page.

The sub woofer is connected to the line out sockets on your keyboard so does not cut out your internal speakers.
They do occasionally appear on eBay......


[This message has been edited by Bill Norrie (edited 03-16-2006).]

After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is Music.
Aldous Huxley
( especially when the music is played on a KN7000....)

#60607 - 03/16/06 03:50 PM Re: Subwoofers
manorcourt1991 Offline

Registered: 07/17/02
Posts: 235
Loc: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Connecting a subwoofer to the line out connectors on the KN5000 does not disable the internal speakers. If you wish to disable them the simplest way is to plug in a set of headphones.
Reccommending a suitable subwoofer is much more difficult. It is highly dependent on personal taste, type of music to be played and the environment in which it is to be used. The subwoofer must have its own power amp either inbuilt or separate. As a general rule bigger and heavier can have the capability to produce better results. It is one those cases where size does matter but there are small units which may satisfy your requirements as well as larger units that are absolute rubbish. If you give more details of your requirements perhaps someone can make a specific recommendation. From my point of view I haven't yet found an inexpensive smallish unit that satisfies my ears and so when I take the KN7000 out I generally use it stand alone unless the venue has a suitable system to which I can connect.

Len C.


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