...maybe why floppies will last a little longer on the lower range machines, I would imagine. If you remember
http://www.synthzone.com/ubbs/Forum25/HTML/001431.html I was surprised, and expected this in the next generation maybe after people had got used to SD for a while. I could not wait to dump floppies... useless things now!
I can't see many 8 MB cards advertised widely anymore, only bigger cards. The prices have dropped substantially already since the 7k was launched, I bet 8 M or lower cards would be pretty cheap in bulk eventually, if you could find someone willing to source them - you'd only need a 500k card to distribute a disk, and that size chip might be as cheap as the plastic moulding soon, but no-one would bother marketing it at that margin.
It would be interesting to know the proportion of buyers of this type of product who have pcs or have direct net access.
Go to a net coffee shop and download your latest disk purchase?