Well where to begine, I think that has to be if you didn't attend then you missed a great day of "Chat & Learn" that has to be the success story for Bill's very well organized and run "North of the Gap". Thank you Bill.
I would also offer my thanks to Chris and Paul of Technic's it was so nice to meet two people who offered so much help and advise to, I believe, everyone there. Chris's knowhow workshops and question and answer sessions were very good. He explained everything in such an easy and understandable way, there was none of the "Well if you no not understand the Technical jargon, forget it". Then Paul's KN7000 presentation well what else but "STUNNING"
Then on top of that thanks are also due to Dee and George who brought along all the Technote goodies and the special offers. What a nice suprise that was.
But the icing on the cake was Bill's free draw, by the way who won the "VINO" I missed the draw? I must have been in the laddies.
I started off by saying the not present one's missed a great day out, well keep watching the forum as I have already heard the whisper "We'll have to do this again" what a great idea.
It was very nice to be able to talk to John and Jan also, you are no longer faceless e-mail or postee member's of the forum. The same goes for everyone else present.
Once again on behalf of my wife and myself to Bill, Chris, Paul,Dee and George thank you for a great day out. Hope you made the gig ok John.