I have recently add a new 'doubletaker' from the Jaybirds. It is called: Marche Militaire. The second version will be published about 2 weeks later.
From take1 you can enjoy now, if you download the song. I recommend you do
Please react to the Jaybirds. Their emailadress is on the Jaybirds-section of my site. Doing this will encourage them to go on...
07-01-07 JAYBIRDS: Marche Militaire Take 1
Please visit
http://www.keso.nl and click on the 'Strictly Guitar'-picture or on the ' Playalong'-picture on the startpage or visit the Guest Players' Personal Keso-Page.
Best greetings and enjoy,
Webmaster of KESO-songs, KESO-Café and KESO-Jukebox