Well I finally finished.
I have published a "Sequencing Tutorial" on my site for free downloading for anyone interested in reading about my approach to sequencing, including Forms, and Tips that I use to save time, especially on going back to the sequenced song later and trying to make improvements or changes.
I tried to keep from writing a novel. Just included the basics of my approach. I assume you already know how to get around on and use your keyboard attributes.
Still the file is a about 2 mb in size (about 17 pages)and is in WORD 2000 format.
If you have any problems, or notice any glaring mistakes; or have any further questions that would help you try your hand at sequencing, please let me know by e-mail and I will try to answer them.
The site is:
www.lgosmeyer.com Have fun,
[This message has been edited by larry gosmeyer (edited 06-06-2003).]