Registered: 04/12/06
Posts: 3
I've changed my KN920 to KN5000 and now I'd need at gigs the KN920's RHYTHM STYLES 073: Swingy Waltz and 087: Country Swing 'cause them not include in KN5000 preset styles. Please copy they to composer and save and send it for me. email is: naakkeli at luukku dot com
Hi there again It looks like the website I gave you the other day provides every KN920 standard rhythm file but the two that you I know a chap who still has a KN920 and if I can get in touch with him I should be able to take copies through composer (if I can remember how to do that...) It will be some time next week... Roger M
Hi, as far as I remember the KN3000 and KN920 has very similiar styles, and 920 do read KN3000 styles, but not the other way.... So, maybe the style you're looking for can be found on a KN3000 as well?
Good Luck & Happy Playing. GJ
Cheers 🥂 GJ _______________________________________________ "Success is not counted by how high you have climbed but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)