There are no "dumb" questions so just ask away. Even it takes a while, someone will answer. The assembly of knowledge about the KN7000 on this forum is awsome.
As for the Kn7000, there are always those who "jump ship" at the slightest provacation.
Those of us who are smart enough to really appreciate the fact that we own one of the finest instruments in world will be here until everything turns to dust.
In your spare time you might browse back through the old posts and I'll bet you can find an answer to anything that you want to know because most of it has already been asked and answered. It's just tedious.
Also be sure to look at Cee's site and Kenneth Gunderson's site. There is a wealth of information there. Regards,
[This message has been edited by Walt Meyer (edited 08-30-2005).]
[This message has been edited by Walt Meyer (edited 08-30-2005).]