It has been my pleasure for too long a time to manually forward all your many songs, etc. to and for you. It has become an overwhelming task that I am no longer able to do, as the lists continue to grow.
Cees is so kind as to offer to put your songs on his website for you members and your friends to download at your leisure. This is a win, win situation for all of us. I truly thank Cees for his generosity with all my heart.
I initially started this Email operation in an effort for us not to loose touch with each other when the Technote forum started to loose momentum due to unacceptable rules. I was doing this all by email until NIGEL was kind enough to offer me the Technics Forum for our new home. I then started the 20 for 1 Song Trades so we could exchange our music and this was also done by email. The rest is history. We all owe our friend and supporter NIGEL a deep vote of thanks also. You can post that on the forum. He does read it:-)
I will NOT be sending to Cees a copy of this email list so that in the event I am unable to pass on your email of notification it will NOT be done by Cees. Perhaps someone else will be willing to do the notifications if I become unable to. IF not you will just have to continually check the Cees site for new postings. I believe I can assure you that your email address will stay private as it always has been.
This recent severe illness of 2 weeks gave me time to reflect on many things. I am going to be 72 shortly and I do not have the high energy level I used to have to do these things. I am pleased with what I have accomplished and I will be more please to see it carry on under Cees's guiding hands. Cees is a good man and to be highly appreciated by all of us. Please keep all that great music in transit from you to Cees website to all our members. I will be downloading and listening too.
My best to each and every one of you. I love you all. Thanks to all of you for sharing your wonderful time and talents, with me and all our list members

I will continue to be Monitor of this Technics Forum at this time and serve at Nigels request.
[This message has been edited by BEBOP (edited 08-17-2003).]