Hello Chris,
I've just seen your request for electric pianos on the KN7 and suggest you look at the following:
1) Press 'Piano' where you will see 3 pages of different types of piano including some electic.
2) Press the 'Electric Pianos' and again there are 3 pages to choose from.
IN SOUND EXPLORER: (top right button in Sound Group)
1) Press 'Piano' which again has 3 pages.
2) Press 'Electic Piano' this also 3 pages.
(These pianos sound are slightly different to those mentioned above.
Scroll down to:
1) PIANO PAD - This has 2 pages for you choose from.
Scroll down to:
1) GM BASIC - just 1 page here,
but worth taking a look at the other pages for different instruments)
Scroll down to:
1) GM2 EXTEND - This has 2 pages of pianos to offer but again, worth taking a look at the rest of the pages.
It may well be you have already investigated these possibilities, if that is the case, let me know.
Happy hunting!