Well, here's a thought, and one that I use myself. Whenever I'm arranging a sequence or setting up styles, I will usually do the sounds that I think will go good with the song in mind and sometimes I will try different voices or groups of voices just for fun. Sometimes something pops up that strikes my fancy, maybe a combination of two completely different voices that meld together extremely well, or perhaps just something odd, that fits the song. These sounds are the ones I save to a special floppy with a label to fit the catagory, i.e., Waltz, Big Band, Country, etc. This method has worked out really good for me when I have trouble deciding what particular sounds I want to use for a song because I can pop in a disk and try out different groups of sounds until I find something I like. Now sometimes, like Bazza says, different sounds come along that aren't found on your particular keyboard, like LoPiano, for instance. These are the ones I save to a special floppy for further investigation. They can be used in the future of course, but better yet, one can load the voice into sound group memory and/or panel memory and check it out with sound edit. There you can usually find the secret ingrediant that makes the voice unique, usually a combination of two or more voices that are tweaked just so to get the special sound. Give it a try - it's not only fun, but if you come up with a different sound - you get to name it! How about that?