Hi Norman, Glad we are getting somewhere
You asked :
Is there a way to change the volume in Mixer and keep it on these Part tracks, other than having to go into Part Setting to make the final volume change? I tried doing Panel Write and it won't work. I'm speaking in this case, Track 9 and 10."
The answer is Yes! Again, there is more than one way to achieve this.....
Once you have set up the 'SOUNDS' in the Sequencer Mixer or 'Part Setting' and saved them to Panel Memory, you can adjust the Volume levels for Tracks 9 and 10 to an initial value - say around 100.
Select the first Panel Memory and then in the Sequencer Mixer, press the second from bottom button to the Left of the display, to highlight the Volume slider section. Then select Track 9 and adjust the volume level as required. If you are also using Track 10 in this same Panel Memory, then select Track 10 and adjust it's volume as well. Save this setting to the first Panel Memory. Just repeat this process for the remaining Panel Memory set-ups.
You can also adjust and retain the 'PAN' settings during this process.
As before, you can achieve the same results by using the 'Part Setting' facility.
The important thing to remember is that after you make any changes to the settings,
you must Re-save them to the appropriate Panel Memory.Having recorded Tracks 9 and 10 and set the initial Volume values for these Tracks, you can play back the sequence and whilst listening to the sequence and viewing the Sequencer Mixer screen, you can change the Volume and/or Pan levels for the individual tracks, 'on-the-fly', to obtain the desired balance. If you change the Volume level, make sure you Re-save to the currently selected Panel Memory, whilst the sequence is playing back. If you find this a little 'tricky', after adjusting the track Volume(s) and/or Pan to the desired level, stop the sequence, Re-save to the currently selected Panel Memory and then re-start the sequence from the point at which you stopped.
You can also make the Volume and/or Pan changes 'on-the-fly' by using the 'Part Setting' facility. Again, you can stop the sequence to 'Re-save' and then re-start.
With regard to your other point : "
....but the other tracks I thought were totally independent and all that was needed was to set them in Part Setting." I think AnthonyC answers that very well
[This message has been edited by Bill Norrie (edited 04-25-2006).]