Peter, it's possible to do what you want on page 2/2.
The right side (TO) is fixed which is rightly so, because you need the standard Drum 1, Drum 2, Bass, Accomp 1-5... The changes are done on the left side (FROM).
The trick is, is to know what you want on the "TO" side first.
Use the PART button to scroll down to Accomp1 on the "TO" side, this will also match the "FROM" side which should also show Accomp1 (unless previously changed).
On the "FROM" side, where you see Accomp1, you can change it to Accomp5 using the arrows at the bottom of the screen. Change it to Accomp 5.
The "TO" side will assign this to Accomp1. You need to go to the Func column (on the "TO" side and scroll to "Copy" using the the arrows at the bottom of the screen, then click ok. You just took Accomp 5 and copied it to Accomp 1.
Follow the same procedure on the rest of the columns and rows to your liking.
Var1 Accomp2 = Accomp1
Var2 Accomp1 = Accomp2
Var3 Accomp1 = Accomp3
Var4 Accomp1 = Accomp4
Var4 Accomp2 = Accomp5
Hope this helps.
[This message has been edited by AnthonyCian (edited 01-07-2005).]