#6553 - 03/25/0309:21 AMNAMM, AES, shows for the general public?
I was wondering if there was a convention like NAMM and the AES for muscians? I don't mean the Pros with the millon dollar record deals, and massive tours. I am refering to the semi-pro and consumer muscians. I would love to be able to attend a NAM Show or a AES show, but you have to bee either a Music Merchant or a Manufacture of musical instrumnets, or an Audio Engineer, to attend these shows. Which unfortuneatly I am neither so I can not attend. Found this out from the NAMM web site.
I thought it would be a cool idea to allow muscians and synth players (in my case) to attend something like a NAMM show to see the latest music gear.
#6554 - 03/25/0308:39 PMRe: NAMM, AES, shows for the general public?
Senior Member
Registered: 01/31/01
Posts: 3602
Loc: Maryland
It would be great if some music stores accually carried gear other than Roland , Korg and Yamaha .
The NAMM shows are cool events to visit + work . I have demonstrated for Ketron for a few years and had the opportunity to see some great shows . Michael McDonald , Tony Bennett , Tower of Power , Take Six , Elton John Concert !
I love being around music every day of my life !
------------------ Piano Man's Keyboard City 624 Frederick Rd . Catonsville Md. 21228 410 747 0200 keyboardcity@yahoo.com
[This message has been edited by DanO1 (edited 03-25-2003).]
#6555 - 03/25/0309:50 PMRe: NAMM, AES, shows for the general public?
YeA, your right Dano, Although I have seen Guitar Center in Rockville MD, sell Novation. I saw a Novation K Station for sale. And Bill's Music House in Catonsville MD sell E-mu and Ensoniq. And for a Breif while Clavia Nord Lead and Kawai. I have even seen Kurzweil as well.
What is it with selling only Roland, Korg and Yamaha is it becuse they are the more popular sellers? Or thats what people are used to and thats what they want.
NAMM is hectic enough an loud enough as it is, and that's with mostly good players and people of music professions of one kind or another. Imagine if just any joe off the street could come in and take liberties banging around on everything! Yikes!
#6557 - 03/28/0301:32 AMRe: NAMM, AES, shows for the general public?
Graham UK
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Registered: 01/20/01
Posts: 1925
Loc: Lincolnshire UK
Having done many Large Hi-Fi Trade shows most of my working life working for a manufacturer. We always provided 3 trade days followed by 2 public days. If you are going to provide a show to display new products, its sensible to show it to the people who are finally going to buy it. Surely that's common sense.
#6559 - 03/30/0312:18 PMRe: NAMM, AES, shows for the general public?
Speaking of Roland I have noticed a lot more Roland gear being sold on ebay as opposed too Korg. But Yamaha has the highest grouping mainly do to all those home keyboards.
Seems to me it's Yamaha, Roland, Korg, and then everything else. Well on Ebay anyway.
I always wonder why Roland, Korg and Yamaha still dominate the market. While the ones from Germany and Swedeen are trying to make a name for themselves. Espically here in the US.
Well, for my money I go for Yamaha because of XG. If you don't know about that, it's Yamaha's extension to MIDI. With instrument banks and sysex my arranger turns into a workstation as well (needs a computer to drive it though, but they're cheap enough these days). Yamaha is very popular in Europe - just look at the styles on an arranger and you'll see why - it's their second biggest market after Japan.
#6561 - 03/31/0312:04 AMRe: NAMM, AES, shows for the general public?
Graham UK
Senior Member
Registered: 01/20/01
Posts: 1925
Loc: Lincolnshire UK
Paul61.YOUR QUOTE.I always wonder why Roland, Korg and Yamaha still dominate the market. While the ones from Germany and Swedeen are trying to make a name for themselves. Especially here in the US. ------------------------------------------ Its all down to marketing and distribution. In the UK Solton and a few others as an example have very poor distribution.
At the twice yearly 7 day Keyboard Festivals I attend, Yamaha & Roland both have factory staff giving keyboard clinics & demonstrations with customer hands on area's. Korg & Technics are now doing a similar thing also.
#6562 - 04/01/0309:24 PMRe: NAMM, AES, shows for the general public?
I'm with Pilot, an XG'er for the same reasons. The GS extention is one I also use though. Their differences in the MIDI extentions seem to compliment each other quite well in many cases. ------------------------------------------- NAMM's original intent BTW has nothing to do with performers themselves. It is because professional performers have a business license whereby they may make purchases directly from manufacterers. Other than that, it's intent is for manufacterers to meet and colaborate with music merchants. For the music store to explain to the manuf. what the changing needs are in order to develop a finer tuned product to sell. Allowing the end user / general public in (as if they are not, somehow, someway) would turn it into a circus (as if its not). NAMM tried to hold very strickt addmission checking during 89 & 90. The shows sucked and were quite more baron. They lifted the heavy checking & verifications. In my general opinion however, the show still sucks. MORPH!