Keyboard Convention Hotel Arrangements
Holiday Inn Cambridge, Lakeview, Bridge Road, Impington, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
CB24 9PH United Kingdom
Telephone number: (44) 0870 4009015
Dates of meeting : Friday, 02 November 2007 (overnight accommodation) with Saturday 3rd and Sunday, 04 November 2007 meeting days as follows.
Date Start Time End Time Function Room Setup Delegates Room Rental
02/11/2007 19:00 22:00 Restaurant Dinner Restaurant Existing 30 Inc. in Package
03/11/2007 08:00 09:00 Restaurant Breakfast Restaurant Existing 30 Inc. in Package
03/11/2007 09:00 17:00 All Day Starbucks Coffee and Tea Break Out Area Existing 30 Inc. in Package
03/11/2007 09:00 17:00 Meeting Darwin Suite Theatre 30 Inc. in Package
03/11/2007 10:45 11:00 Morning Themed Break Break Out Area Existing 30 Inc. in Package
03/11/2007 12:30 13:30 Taste of... Restaurant Lunch Break Out Area Existing 30 Inc. in Package
03/11/2007 15:00 15:15 Afternoon Themed Break Break Out Area Existing 30 Inc. in Package
03/11/2007 19:00 22:00 Restaurant Dinner Restaurant Existing 30 Inc. in Package
04/11/2007 08:00 09:00 Restaurant Breakfast Restaurant Existing 30 Inc. in Package
04/11/2007 09:00 17:00 All Day Starbucks Coffee and Tea Break Out Area Existing 30 Inc. in Package
04/11/2007 09:00 17:00 Meeting Darwin Suite Theatre 30 Inc. in Package
04/11/2007 10:45 11:00 Morning Themed Break Break Out Area Existing 30 Inc. in Package
04/11/2007 12:30 13:30 Taste of... Restaurant Lunch Restaurant Existing 30 Inc. in Package
04/11/2007 15:00 15:15 Afternoon Themed Break Break Out Area Existing 30 Inc. in Package
Please note the minimum numbers for the above booking are 15 bedrooms for 1 night. If these numbers are not met and/or the event is cancelled the charges will be derived from �150 room hire per day (total �300) which I will have to pay.
Accommodation: Holiday Inn Cambridge is currently holding the following block of rooms for your use:
02/11/2007 03/11/2007
Run of House 15 15
Bedrooms can be booked by the individual using the booking code provided (KPE). Guests will be required to provide credit card details at the time of booking to guarantee their reservation. Any bedrooms not taken by 2nd October (1 month prior) will be released. Once booked, if a bedroom is then cancelled two weeks or less prior to the event, 100% cancellation will apply.
Rate Information: The Holiday Inn Cambridge is pleased to offer the following special rates for your meeting:
Package Detail Rate pppn
Day Delegate Package (room hire; 3 course lunch; 3 x tea & coffee; service) �0
Residential Delegate Package (room hire; 3 course lunch; 3 x tea & coffee; service; English breakfast; overnight accommodation; set dinner) �85
So very simply it is by at least 15 of us stopping at the Hotel at least 1 night at �85 per person per night, that we have obtained the Darwin Suite meeting room free of charge and all meals found also free of charge which I reckoned to be a very good deal. On the basis of where you all live and the probable need for many of you to stop over 1 night I think that we should be OK.
Payment Method: Payment on Departure by the Individual
All rates are inclusive of VAT at the prevailing rate which is currently <17.5%> and is subject to change without notice.
Cancellation by the Customer
Should you cancel your booking a charge must be made equivalent to any loss suffered by the hotel. Costs incurred for any equipment hired by the hotel on your behalf will be added to any cancellation fee.
Roger Mepstead
01793 854072
Roger M