a vital step was left out without which there are no drum sounds in the sequencer to copy.
save and initialise.
load and select the style and set syncro on.
press easy record, ok.
press a chord, after 4 , 8 or 16 measures to taste press rec stop in the screen.
menu, sequencer, copy & paste, apc to smf convert.
under TR8 drums select drum 1, press convert.
menu, pads, seq to pad copy, put last measure 4, 8 or 16 to taste.
under part 1 select track 8 and ok.
the drums are now in user pad A 1.
you can go to pads, A, pad 1, play setting and choose single/loop or instant/synchro trigger.
some styles have 2 drum tracks, in that case just make track 9 drum 2 in the apc/smf convert list, and in the seq to pad copy make part 2 track 9, then both drum tracks play simultaneously in the pad, or you can choose just one or the other to taste.