Every morning I go to this forum to see what has been posted. It is such a pleasure to find wonderful information such as found here in this particular group of postings! Talk about a learning opportunity!

Like Audrey, I really just want to sit at my KN's (a 6000 for gigging, and a 7000 to enjoy at home.) My only home is a Motor Home and I cannot lift either KB.... My body is small, about 130 lbs and 5' tall...also I am in my 70's....
Music is a life long passion. I have a good ear... not exact or perfect pitch tho I do hear when sounds are not in harmony and my sense of rhythm is excellent. I taught myself to read the melody line at age 10 on a neighborhood Church piano... Church and school choir participation were very helpful in my musical education. Additionally, I do so enjoy performing!
As a youngster I spent many Saturday's in Hollywood, CA going to radio shows that featured Big Band era bands & singers. Mainly I listened to the singers and the words they were singing. I did not pay as much attention to the sounds of the band which of course had the better "timing"... except for Frank Sinatra!
I have never taken the time to learn to read on sight, the bass lines. The auto chords and 3 finger chording work for me. I am aware of all the wonderful creative things the 7K has to offer. I do try to understand the Composer features but not very often as I get very frustrated with my own lack of training and fumbling through the instructions! The sequencer is a feature I do work with tho I am never satisfied with my results. Muting and tweaking the sounds in many of the rhythms and trying different instruments are things I do frequently. Since my recent near-death experience, my "ear" has become far more sensitive to the sounds. I am making great changes in most of my registrations... making much softer sounds and fewer big drum sounds. My Christmas registrations that I have just begun to work with are so very harsh sounding! Lots of work to do with these!
About 15 years ago I bought my first KB..a Yammie. In addition to the 2 KN's I still have and play regularly, the 6K for gigs twice each week, and the 7K at home, I have owned a KN 1000, a 3000, and a 5000. Each of these has presented additional educational opportunities along the way. The 7K is for me the ultimate sound machine! There is much that I have yet to explore....! It is always such a joy to read on this forum what others are doing with their KN's and to learn of other KB's that are coming along to fill the void when the KN's are no longer working/available.
As I am a self-taught player except for what I learn on this and other forums/websites. I do not know the meanings of many of the descriptive musical words that are used by those who do have a real musical education... Eventually I do figure out what is meant in most cases.
I do not post much here anymore because it is somewhat embarassing to know so little about music generally.... and again, like Audrey, playing my KB is about my highest priority.
I am VERY grateful for all the information all of you share with those of us who are basically untutored! It would be a great loss to me should this forum fall by the wayside for lack of input.
This is basically my personal THANK YOU for all you do to help in my musical learning and all the help you offer regarding my KN7. Your help is priceless to me.