Originally posted by Buddy:
....My problem now is how to convert and use them on my KN7000.
I'll be glad if any member could help me take me through the steps to achieve this, please.
I would also be grateful if any member could help me with a copy of Style Works. I don't have the money now to invest in one.....
Well, would'nt we all be happy if we could get free copies of the software we like to have?
But that's not the way it works, some people try to make a living by develope and create
programs like EMC and others, and also it's copyrighted material.
Is'nt there a convertdiskette that follow the KN7000 package, if you miss that one, maybe
ask some of the KN7 owners if they have a copy for you?
If I remember it correctly, the convertdisk was updated to handle Yamaha, but I might as
well be wrong.
Btw, that "Technics convert disk" is also developed by EMC.
If you can't get any copy, pass the Yamaha style and I'll see if EMC read it and convert for
you, but as already said in this tread, prepare for some tweaking to make it sound like the
original file.
Happy Playing