Happy New Year to All.
Just a short few lines. We are in the process of updating our web site: (
We have no longer have Technics software or related item concerning Technics. However we do have a blog with related links to Technics information. You may want to keep this blog address in your favorites, should you need some information, parts, etc to keep your Technics keyboard going forever and ever.
If you have some link or site you would like to add to these Technics links pertaining to Technics, please email me. The Technics link list is below the "stuff" for sale.
The blog address is:
We continue to sell digital pianos, keyboards such as Yamaha, Korg, and a few other brands. We no longer carry accessories. If you have something to sell
related to music/keyboards, we can put that on our blog. We still do have some free stuff still on our web site that will be deleted in the coming months.
And for those of us older than "?" - you might enjoy my updated autographs site about movies stars of the 40's at:
If your looking for something special be sure to give us a call: 1-800-706-1088
It you would like your name off our mailing list - or added let me know
Stay well,