To 'midi, or not to midi' That is the question which might be posed by a certain Bill Shakespeare. !
In Larry's recent post 'Midi Songs' the subject quickly got onto the question of whether using midi files was really either necessary or beneficial. I don't really have a view on the matter. To each his own I say.
But, I do feel that I'd like to put the matter straight, in terms of a statement made by John C in one of his responses, when he said that I used to use midi files when sequencing. A genuine mistake no doubt John. Because, I have never used a midi file in my life. - In fact, I am totally ignorant on the subject. I have no idea how to pick up midi files-use them-or amend them.
And although I very rarely air my musical views on Synthzone, I would like to say, that I get great satisfaction from deliberately 'NOT' copying any original arrangement when sequencing. - Such arrangements are the result of somebody else's creativity. Not mine. ! - All of us play our keyboards, and enjoy doing so, because at the end of the day it is 'WE' who are producing the music people will hear. It matters not whether this is good or bad. Our satisfaction and enjoyment is gained because 'WE' are doing it. Not somebody else.
So, my sequences were always 'MY arrangements'. Good or bad. Using the sounds only of my KN7. This surely equals = greater enjoyment, and greater satisfaction. Or at least, that is my view. But, to each his own. !!