#69357 - 10/26/09 08:45 AM
Re: KN7000
Senior Member
Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 2330
Loc: North Yorkshire UK
Writing to Flash Memory always takes a bit longer than reading from the memory - it's a function of the technology. However, you've found the basic solution to your problem Ray - only save the parts you really need, on Page 2/3. Not only will this result in shorter 'Save' times, but songs or set-ups saved this way will also load faster.
Incidentally, when playing at a gig, and you want to save that little bit extra time when loading the next setup or song from the SD card, try the following:
While you are still playing the current song, at suitable spaces in either left or right hand playing, press the SD Load button, then the 'Load' button and navigate to your next song in the list. Then when you have finished playing the current song, just press the 'Load' button and your next song or set-up, will be loaded, resulting in less 'down-time' between songs.
After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is Music. Aldous Huxley ( especially when the music is played on a KN7000....)
#69360 - 10/26/09 01:02 PM
Re: KN7000
Registered: 12/02/99
Posts: 924
Loc: Johnson City, TN USA
There are many ways to use the KN7000. All of us think our way is best because it fits our style. But, here are some things I think about.
I agree that it was wise to selectively save stuff with older keyboards like the KN5000 because it took so long to load a file from floppy. In those days I would do most anything to avoid loading from disk any more than I had to. In my opinion, though, when you are using the SD card there is so little time to be gained by not saving all the default stuff it isn't worth the difference in time. Try saving a song setup with only the sound files, composer, the current memory, and default panel memories A, B, and C. Load that file and see how much time it takes. Next save the entire default list including the Sequencer, Performance Pads, and Effect Memory. Then load that file and compare the amount of time it takes with the file that has just some of the stuff. There will be less than two seconds difference. Are those two seconds worth the risks of selectively saving like we used to do with older keyboards?
Assume that you have loaded one of Larry or Bill's nice song sequences and after playing that song, you want to load one of your song setups that was selectively saved and did not include the sequencer file. Since you did not load a replacement sequencer file, Larry or Bill's sequence is still in the sequencer and you may well find yourself trying to play one song while a different song is playing in the sequencer. The moral is "Always load a blank sequencer file with each song setup". This clears the sequencer of any left over stuff.
The same can happen with sound or effect memory. When you don't include those options with the save, you will have whatever happens to be there when you load the next song setup. You may well end up with a voice that has digital effects applied that you didn't want, because you left those things the way they happened to be the last time you loaded that file.
These are just some things to think about. I prefer to save and load the entire default list of things. It is much safer and it takes almost no additional time.
In my opinion, there is nothing to be gained by saving all the panel memories instead of just banks A, B, and C. When you save all the panel memories, there is a noticeable increase in save and load time. Loading a song setup from SD card that contains all the default stuff including PM banks A, B, and C takes less than 5 seconds and is just as fast as trying to use the old method of incrementing PM banks to find the bank that contains a setup suitable for your song.
#69362 - 10/26/09 07:31 PM
Re: KN7000
Registered: 10/29/07
Posts: 690
Loc: Sydney Australia
Thank you all for the interesting and varied approach to my query. (1) Settle down Elizabeth. (2) My original curiosity was aroused because the SD card was so fast in loading, yet slow in saving. (3)Because I have settings for nearly all songs in my commonly used books,which amount to a few hundred,songs that is,and I have to tweak all those settings from my KN5000 discs,to the Kn7, the few seconds saved each time amounts to a lot of time overall. Also, I have access to many discs with styles and sounds, which I am saving to the SD card for reference when I need them, and the extra time taken can be frustrating. I agree that when closing down after use, that time can be insignificant as a one-off situation. Isn't it strange, the older I get, the more tolerant and impatient I become. Great to know you are all so keen to help. Question (4) is in the pipe-line, and of a similar nature, so hone up your skills and be ready!!!! I am also attending to big bro's questions when I can be of help to him. Ray
------------------ Ray The Saint
Ray The Saint