Your suggestion that SZ members should use the forum to impart their musical (and playing) knowledge to others, is a nice thought. But surely impractical. ?
The subjects that might be raised, might not only be 'subjective', but almost impossible to pass on to others, without taking up too much 'air-space' on the forum.
Some members who are exceedingly clever from a 'technical' standpoint, would probably need many column inches, to adequately get their message across. - Whilst any attempts to put across information concerning 'chord-work' etc, only describe what is after all 'a personal view'. ?
One player's choice of chords, is not another's. In my previous post, Tony used the expression 'PROVIDED they are the proper replacement chords'. And thereby hangs controversy. !! - Who determines 'proper chord progressions'. ? I know precisely what Tony meant when coining the phrase. And although there are accepted 'chord progressions', all of us will actually chose and use, not only the chords we know, but those that result in a 'SOUND' that pleases us. - With the realisation also, that there are many chords we don't know, which we would dearly love to know, and use. - Cheers,