Trevor, I think you are getting confused

If you can see all Bernie's styles when you press the Yellow 'SD Load' button, then that is exactly what you should see and the styles have been correctly transferred to the SD Card!! They will not be present in the CUSTOM memory, until you deliberately transfer some of them to the 20 CUSTOM Memory locations.
The 'new' styles, on the SD Card will always be loaded one at a time to the KN7000 COMPOSER memory, and you can then use the style just as if you had selected one of the built-in styles. The COMPOSER memory is accessed by pressing the 'MEMORY' button to the Right of the CUSTOM button. This is a totally different memory to the CUSTOM memory. All of Bernie's styles are in COMPOSER format - NOT CUSTOM format - which is quite different.
Depending on how the COMPOSER was structured during the original 'Save' process, there may be up to three different styles within the COMPOSER. These are referred to as Memory Banks 'A' , 'B' and 'C' and having loaded from the SD Card, you can then select any one of the three styles, by pressing the 'MEMORY' button, next to the COMPOSER button and selecting A, B, or C. Some of Bernie's styles just use COMPOSER bank 'A' but others use all three banks. These three Banks can hold either three totally different style patterns or can be variations of the same basic style, which allows you to have up to 12 variations of a single style (4 panel Variations times 3 Composer Banks)
Once you have loaded one of the styles from SD Card to COMPOSER memory, you then have the option to transfer one of the style Banks in to any one of the CUSTOM Memories, by using the procedure on Page 121 of your manual. Using this option, you can build up a group of 20 styles of your choice, which will remain in the CUSTOM memory - even after turning off the power - until you deliberately change one or more of these styles, by overwriting a location. This means that once you have loaded up a number of say your favourite styles to CUSTOM memory, you will have instant access to them, just as if they were built-in styles......
The CUSTOM memory is implemented in Flash Memory - similar to the SD Card - so retains its content until overwritten by new content, but the COMPOSER Memory is of a Volatile type and only retains its content for a short while, after turning off the KN7000 power.
Like Bob, I don't use the CUSTOM memory to any great extent - I just load a new style, directly from an SD Card. But, having said that, the CUSTOM memory can be useful..... but that's another story