1. Set up the first Registration as required - Style, Tempo, Left, Right1 and Right 2 Sounds, Technichord if used and any other parameters.
2. When you are happy with this set-up, Press and hold the Central Blue 'SET' button in the Panel Memory cluster and press Panel Memory 1.
3. This will save your first set-up to Panel Memory 1.
4. Now change your Registration to an alternative set-up and repeat step 2, but this time, press 'SET' and Panel Memory 2.
5. Repeat the process for as many Registrations as you wish - up to Panel Memory 8. This is usually sufficient for most Songs/Tunes. These Registrations will be saved in Panel Memory Bank A, but you can of course set up many more Registrations by using Banks B and C of the Panel Memory, and even the extended Banks 1 through 8, giving you a possibility of (11 x 8) 88 Registrations, without re-loading from SD Card !!
6. When you have set up all your Registrations in Panel Memory, just do a normal 'SAVE' operation to the SD Card.
If you decide to use more than just the A,B and C Panel Memory banks, then during the 'SAVE' operation, make sure that you set the 'PANEL MEMORY' option on Page 2 to 'ALL' rather than '3BANK'.
[This message has been edited by Bill Norrie (edited 09-22-2010).]
After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is Music.
Aldous Huxley
( especially when the music is played on a KN7000....)