Hi there!
I hope that I can help - I have a PSR-630 and record XG files on the computer all the time. However I use a program called Emagic Logic. I have power tracks pro here, however I haven't used it in years!!
Here are a few tips for setting up. These will be different if you are using the serial cable.
MIDI setup.
1. Have a midi breakout box connected to your computer.
2. Have MIDI OUT on the PSR to MIDI IN on the computer and MIDI IN on the PSR to MIDI OUT on the computer.
3. Have the selector on the back of the PSR set to MIDI (the other options are PC1, PC2 and MAC).
1. Connect the serial cable from the back of the computer to the PSR.
2. Select PC2 on the back of the keyboard.
I am unsure of the menu system on the 530, however on the 630 you MUST menu down to MIDI (the left hand side of the screen). Sub menu down until the screen reads - "LOCAL: ON". You MUST change this to "LOCAL: OFF". If you don't, you will get the keyboard sound PLUS the midi channel sound at the same time, which makes it very hard to hear the final mix as you go.
Please note that I do not use power track pro in midi recording. The version I have is very old (2.15). The only thing I like about is that you can see guitar and music score at the same time. Lots of fun with students.
Load PTP. You must first select the midi in and out ports on your computer, it should come up when you first load the program, however if it doesn't go to OPTIONS - MIDI DEVICES.....
Next on track one, select channel one. To do this double click on the "0" in the CH line. Enter "1".
You are now rockin'!! Press the record icon and play!
I am very sorry if menus are different - I don't have a 530 or a new version of PTP. However I think this will put you in the right direction!
Have fun!