#71512 - 10/20/01 03:34 AM
Getting Two Drum Kits from the MU100R
I have a MU100R and a Korg X5DR. I am trying use them together to give multiple drum kits.
I use them in (still my favorite) Encore, for notation and sequencing. [Philosophy: If you write good charts on your computer, and you're marketing them, it helps to sell the charts if the MIDI renders the sounds well.]
Perhaps Encore is the problem and I need to move up to a newer program (Passport Designs has been defunct for about 4 years, but Encore is still a sweet and capable notation program.)
Anyway, I haven't figured out how to get two XG drum kits together with one of the Korg's own drum kits. I have put the Korg on the A-Port and the Yamaha on the B. I did this both in S/W and with the cabling. I use a Tascam US428 USB DAW Controller, which has two MIDI In and Out ports. The MIDI controller is a keyboard for recording, and Encore is the sequencer for playback.
Encore has two 16-track banks. Any track may be associated with any of 32 MIDI channels, labeled A-1 through 16 and B-1 through 16. I have assigned the two Yamaha to tracks 5 and 6, and used Channels B-10 and B-11 respectively. The keyboard controller is connected to MIDI In-A, and set to transmit over MIDI Channel 1 (it only has 16 channels.)
The Yamaha sometimes plays one drum set, but when I try to add a second part, changes occur in the patches that I don't yet fully understand. Sometimes I get another drum kit (good!), sometimes I get a different instrument (usually pianos -- bad!), and sometimes the sound cuts off altogether. But, I'm doing a lot of different things with the Yamaha setup. I'm not sure if I could reproduce some of what has already occurred without spending lots of hours more and waiting for blind luck to strike. I don't usually have trouble keeping complex sets of information sorted out either: this one's somehow turned out to be a bear. Let me describe what I've tried.
I set the machine in XG mode.
I have tried different combinations of Part, Bank, and Receive Channel. Herein lies my confusion, I think. I'm not sure of just what combinations I need. Having gotten one drum kit working, I have been known to try to set up the second one and have one of the unfortunate accidents occur that I descibed above.
As for Receive Channels, I've tried the usual suspects: A-10 and B-10, but also B-11.
For Parts, I've tried 5 and 6, which equals the Track number in Encore (I'm not sure they're related, it's only a guess.) I've also tried Parts 10, 11, and 26. I think that either 10 or 11 worked.
I know that Bank 126 and 127 work. I don't know whether any others do.
When I do get drum sounds from the Yamaha, my Program selections make sense.
Some combination of these works for setting up one drum kit. I haven't been able to get two yet.
Can someone explain how I need to set it up?
#71513 - 10/22/01 08:51 AM
Re: Getting Two Drum Kits from the MU100R
Registered: 04/10/00
Posts: 174
Loc: NY City
Originally posted by Professor Sax: I have a MU100R and a Korg X5DR. I am trying use them together to give multiple drum kits.
I use them in (still my favorite) Encore, for notation and sequencing. [Philosophy: If you write good charts on your computer, and you're marketing them, it helps to sell the charts if the MIDI renders the sounds well.]
Perhaps Encore is the problem and I need to move up to a newer program (Passport Designs has been defunct for about 4 years, but Encore is still a sweet and capable notation program.)
Anyway, I haven't figured out how to get two XG drum kits together with one of the Korg's own drum kits. I have put the Korg on the A-Port and the Yamaha on the B. I did this both in S/W and with the cabling. I use a Tascam US428 USB DAW Controller, which has two MIDI In and Out ports. The MIDI controller is a keyboard for recording, and Encore is the sequencer for playback.
Encore has two 16-track banks. Any track may be associated with any of 32 MIDI channels, labeled A-1 through 16 and B-1 through 16. I have assigned the two Yamaha to tracks 5 and 6, and used Channels B-10 and B-11 respectively. The keyboard controller is connected to MIDI In-A, and set to transmit over MIDI Channel 1 (it only has 16 channels.)
The Yamaha sometimes plays one drum set, but when I try to add a second part, changes occur in the patches that I don't yet fully understand. Sometimes I get another drum kit (good!), sometimes I get a different instrument (usually pianos -- bad!), and sometimes the sound cuts off altogether. But, I'm doing a lot of different things with the Yamaha setup. I'm not sure if I could reproduce some of what has already occurred without spending lots of hours more and waiting for blind luck to strike. I don't usually have trouble keeping complex sets of information sorted out either: this one's somehow turned out to be a bear. Let me describe what I've tried.
I set the machine in XG mode.
I have tried different combinations of Part, Bank, and Receive Channel. Herein lies my confusion, I think. I'm not sure of just what combinations I need. Having gotten one drum kit working, I have been known to try to set up the second one and have one of the unfortunate accidents occur that I descibed above.
As for Receive Channels, I've tried the usual suspects: A-10 and B-10, but also B-11.
For Parts, I've tried 5 and 6, which equals the Track number in Encore (I'm not sure they're related, it's only a guess.) I've also tried Parts 10, 11, and 26. I think that either 10 or 11 worked.
I know that Bank 126 and 127 work. I don't know whether any others do.
When I do get drum sounds from the Yamaha, my Program selections make sense.
Some combination of these works for setting up one drum kit. I haven't been able to get two yet.
Can someone explain how I need to set it up?
You are going to need a dedicated XG editor such as XGEdit, XGPad,or XG Wizard to run along side Encore(might need multiclient midi program such as Midiyoke or hubis). The MU100 can use up to 4 different drum sets at the same time but you are going to need to set it up in XGEdit(or XGPad etc.). The best place for more info on this would be in the manual/help files of XGEdit. Hope this helps some... DudeManCentral