I MADE THE DJX STUDIOWARE PANEL *MUCH* SIMPLER AND EASY TO USE and fixed some bugs if you'd like to get a major upgrade...
CURRENT VERSION 1.1 = Studioware is split into two panels, so snapshot for the CHANNEL CONTROLS doesn't snapshot the MASTER CONTROLS. Simplified things and fixed some bugs...
http://www.abstractreality.com/djx = download
the Studioware panel.
Sorry I keep posting that site, but since I am replying to messages regarding the DJX, I direct people there because it contains utilities to help them with their sequencer,
as well as documentation that answers many of their questions in detail.
MODHORSE - it is fairly easy to make a studioware panel. It can be time consuming though, depending on what you do with it and how much you put into the graphics, etc... If you make one for your keyboard, please put it online to share with other users of the same keyboard. Please don't sell it like some people do! Also, leave it NOT-PASSWORD-PROTECTED so other people can edit it and improve it as they wish!