Originally posted by sunnshol:
Hi all,
I'd like to hear from SY99 owners about a couple of things. Number 1, has anyone got the SY-Manager librarian software to work, and/or is there any other freeware or PD patch librarian for the SY99/Windows?
And Number 2, I'd like advice on the best way to get the stock piano sound on my SY85 into the SY99. It isn't a sample, so I can't do a sample dump.
Number three, anyone found a really good piano sound? The built in ones are downright awful but I know it's capable of much more.
Anyone interested in discussing the SY99 or SY85 can email me at mcox@hotus.com.
Thanks in advance!
I never owned a SY99, but did have the SY55 a while back.
Not sure you would want to put the two in the same category - the SY99 was more a bigger brother to the SY77 than anything else. The SY85 was a sample playback synth only much like my SY55 and nothing more. The SY77/99 both also made use of AFM (Advanced FM synthesis).
Considering that the SY85 came out after the 99 (roughly a year later), it most likely had newer piano samples/waveforms in ROM that were non-existent on the 99.