I recently acquired a Yamaha QY700 through ebay, and I love it, except for one small problem that could become a very large one. I have been using a QY300 for five years, and wanted the extra sounds and versatility of the QY700. But upon transferring data from the QY300 to the QY700, I am losing note length on certain tracks, such as rhythm guitar and piano rhythm tracks as well. I do a live midi act, covering pop tunes from the sixties through seventies. Now my Elton John piano tracks are all staccato and lacking sustain as a result of something I may have told the machine to do, or due to polyphony limitations. How can it be that the QY300 at 28 notes, could have better note length than the QY700 at 32? Are there any control changes that I might send to specific tracks to get the note length back? Have I screwed with a filter that is cutting the sustain levels of the notes? I switched them back over to the QY300, and they play fine.
Do you have any suggestions? I will have to let it go if I cannot resolve the problem. It's a shame, because in every other respect, the QY700 is the bee's knees.
Thanks. jim