OK yall can shine my hynee. The Yamaha Motif with the Piano card completely blows away the Roland and the Korg with the piano board that I tested both before I bought. Shoot. It even smokes my Kurzweil 2600 sx and to that I was shocked! toska, I have spent a bundle of dough both at work and at home on a lot of different gear over the years. Each piece I keep is for a particular function it can do better than others. If I were you and you are generally not a live on stage player, you would be missing so much if you did not give the Motif a try before you bought. I have similar Roland gear (stuffed 2080 with expansion cards) and I own a Triton in my rack! The Triton is great to turn and burn. You can switch it on and play radical sounds immediately. Least I mention all the Motif's capable of. The Motif is cumbersome to learn mainly because it does so much as a sequencer, and sampler as well as a great keyboard. So I would say that at first, it is hard to use because there is so much there. Once you get to know it, the moves are actually pretty easy. toska it is a unit that should not be overlooked before making a purchase. Yes, the Motif is available in a rack and includes a vocorder added to it's capabilities.
I learn how much more the Motif is capable of nearly every day and it just doesn't seem to ever end. The Triton doesn't even come close.
[This message has been edited by Morphamatik (edited 02-11-2003).]