I own a UX-256 from Yamaha...
That interface does not work well!
They tried to write new drivers for it: Ok.
The midi synchco is pretty tight.
But when it comes the time to get some data from my synths it is dropping some bytes and i always get the message:midi data incomplete!
Also i have a tone module with a TO HOST connection... I've plugged it in the UX-256 who have 2 pluggs like this and the result is: the tone module freez and no sound is comming out of it!!!
I would like to return that machine.
I bought it on October the 21st 2000... i have my bill... do any of you know how long is the warranty on this product?
It gave me so much troubles; i want to change for a MOTU time piece insted...
What are my chances guys...
Yamaha have to admit that they putted a
interface on the market and they better check out well their things before selling...