I don't mean to spoil anyone's good time but triggering auto loops and beats is NOT making music. It's more like a paint by number approach. I appreciate the joy that can be dirived from "piecing together" the elements of a rhythm, but it's not really MAKING music, now is it?
I have a little "keylight" Casio that my 8 yr old plays with and she loves it, but she could never repeat any of the note sequences on a real piano. It's fun, and it involves music, but she's NOT a musician. Encourage your child to learn what goes INTO the making of the music. It's a gift that will travel with him forever.
These little auto toys are indeed interresting, but the players need more structured learning tools before you can call them "musicians". It's a badge of honor, and I'm proud to wear mine !
It's great that you are taking an interrest in the arts with your children. Keep up the good influence ! The discipline of learning to play an instrument will shape a child's character, and broaden their sense of self worth. It's a win/win situation!

[This message has been edited by Uncle Dave (edited 08-07-2001).]