Member posted 01-23-2002 11:31 AM
For those of you that don't know, I maintain a list of Technics and Solton Players. The list contains only those that have requested to be listed. It is an excellent source to contact other owners. I could do the same for Yamaha owners, if there was enough interest.
http://www.charterpa.net/rdross/ Dave Ross
Administrator posted 01-24-2002 08:13 PM
It's great that you continue to maintain your website Dave. While other sites come and go the Technics and Solton Players List continues to survive. If you ever do include a Yamaha list let me know as you know I'll certainly provide a link to it from the Yamaha page at Synth Zone.
[This message has been edited by Nigel (edited 01-24-2002).]
Member posted 01-27-2002 07:16 AM
Thanks Nigel. So far I have had no request from any Yamaha players/owners.The Technics list now total 422 and Solton number 26. I need the first Yamaha owner to contact me to get the list started. I have on the other lists, the following information:
Last name, first name, type instrument, city and state/country, email address. Will also add information about yourself if desired (occupation, interests, etc)
Gunnar Jonny
Member posted 01-27-2002 08:01 AM
I've sendt this post to some friends, it
might help.
Maybe there is some Solton/ketron users to
add too, who knpws
Member posted 01-27-2002 08:44 AM
OK, the list has been started, with Scott Yee the first listed.
Forgot to mention in the above post, that I will also need your email address and personal web page if you have one, and want it included.
Please spread the word on this new list in your travels around the net and visiting other bulletin boards.
Will be interesting to see if the list matches or exceeds the Technics players.
Got to get away from this computer for awhile and watch the Steelers. Go Steelers!
Have a great day everyone,
Dave Ross
Junior Member posted 01-27-2002 08:51 PM
Hi Dave,
I am a Solton user. What is the procedure to add my name to your list.
Thanks for your reply.
Member posted 01-28-2002 08:12 AM
Just send me an email with the following:
Last Name, First name, Type instrument, town/city, country/state, email address and any additiional information you would like added about yourself (professional/amateur)