Hi gang - I need help. I am learning to love this 9000pro, but I need a vocal problem solved if it's going to stay in my line up. I can't seem to find a way to make the harmonies sustain while triggering from the RIGHT hand. I don't want to use the left hand method..... so, am I stuck? I really need this feature to work, or else I will have to keep bringing my Digitech vocalist. Any hidden pages that deal with the harmonizer ? I've looked, but haven't seen a way to do it yet. With all the comprehensive editing that's possible on this unit - I really expect that I'm just missing something. Tell me what I'm missing, please!
(a cry for help from Uncle davie

I'll post more tonight after the gig. So far - I like it alot..... time will tell if it goes on the road with me, or stays at home in the studio. Either way - I think it's a keeper. It sounds and feels TOO good to part with.