Well, I don't think that my family would buy me a keyboard either.
The Pro 5 used to belong to my friend. He got rid of a lot of his old gear, when he was mooving to California. So he gave me his Pro 5 'cause he didn't need it. I even offerd to pay, but he wouldn't take the money...
The K2500 wasn't free-free. It was more of a payment thing. I did an album with the guy and by the end of the project he ran out of money (his company went bye-bye). So I gladly took one of his K2500s. I got rid of it shortly after.
An 03R/W was given to me by my cousin. He is more into arranger boards and so an 03R/W isn't something he needs. I had a difficult time trying to figure out WHY he bought it in the first place...I know that he knows that I RELLY like KORG stuff, so I suspect it was a true gift. So I guess, my family did by me a synth after all...
I like that box. It's like my 01/Ws, but smaller (1U rack) and simpler.
Paul, I would gladly give you one of my boeards. I just don't think you need any of them. They are OLD. I use them 'cause It's possible to still make them sound good with plug-ins and high-end FX.