Hi. I have bought the YAMAHA PSR-8000. It was very hard for me too to decide between these 2 models. They have some different features, and as I'm familiar with YAMAHA features, I've chosen to buy this one.
The top reasons I've chosen PSR-8000, are the following: I like the "Freeze function", especially that it's now, for the very first time, customizable, That is, You can use your Registration memories (they are like a one touch settings for all features), so you can freeze a part of your settings. For example if you want to change your voice and transpose and tempo but NOT your style, you can manage it via the customizable freeze function.
One feature more I like, is the possibility of canceling a Fill-in. If you've accidentally pressed any of the Fill-in patterns, press it another time to cancel it.
Another excellent feature, us the Mixing console, you have an onboard mixer it's possible to change all type of settings, as well as a regular mixer.
On Yamaha models the Transpose is changing with numbers, as 0, +1, +6, or -4, -7 etc. on Technics models are changing with letters, as E, G, etc. Isn't it easier on the YAMAHA?
But what it bothers me, that YAMAHA made no data dial on the PSR-8000, so some features, as tempo, transpose, bank numbers and more are hard to set.
And for the very first time, YAMAHA has made the PSR-8000 very "User comfortable", all buttons are located in their right position, everything is ready to your hand, Start/stop acmp. buttons, Fill in buttons (4 patterns, Technics has only 2 per style), multi pad buttons, Reg. memory buttons, and the LCD dials.
Sorry for my English.
Sincerely, Sam