I purchased an S80 about a week ago, and want to hook it up to my computer, which is an HP7360. I think I want to use the TO HOST out and into the serial port. Is that the best way for me to go? I can't seem to find the correct adapter plug to go from the TO Host end...is this a proprietary thing? I considered going from the MIDI out and in ports to the computer's joystick hookup, which I was told by a computer store that that would work. Is that a valid way to go? My computer has no Midi hookups to go into or out of. I want to be able to download music to my keyboard, and also to arrange my own music with Cubase or Cakewalk, when I figure out how to use them

I'm pretty new to this synth stuff, so any help would be greatly appreciated! I have found a lot of useful information on this BB so far.
Thanks much, Kar