#73971 - 02/13/05 01:05 PM
Re: Problems with Yamaha DX7
Registered: 11/02/04
Posts: 147
Originally posted by kennyboy: The DX7 is sending midi events out correctly, if it's played "nicely", but when several notes are played rapidly or mod wheel is moved, it gives some strange controller and aftertouch messages. Sounds like you're experiencing MIDI data "overload". This can be caused by MIDI data feedback, if you have both MIDI-in and MIDI-out connected, and your MIDI interface and/or software enable a MIDI Thru function. If that's the problem, the usual cure is to turn "Local Control" on the synth "off". Unfortunately, the original DX7 didn't have a "Local off" function, although the DX7II does. If you can turn local off, try that. If not, you might have success by seeing if the MIDI interface or software allows the Thru function to be disabled. If that can't be done, you could try pulling the MIDI cable which is not being used at the time, depending on which way the data is going. That approach may or may not work if the application requires "handshaking". --Barry
Yamaha: Motif XF6 and XS6, A3000V2, A4000, YS200 | Korg: T3EX, 05R/W | Fender Chroma Polaris | Roland U-220 | Etc.
#73975 - 02/17/05 03:38 PM
Re: Problems with Yamaha DX7
Registered: 11/02/04
Posts: 147
Originally posted by YamahaUS1: Maybe you need to elaborate, but your description sounds normal. When you play hard you should get aftertouch. When you move the wheel you should get controller messages.
Steve Steve, I agree, but the OP said "I can't load any patches to or from my PC." in addition to getting "strange controller and aftertouch messages." That's why I asked for further info, which unfortunately hasn't been forthcoming. Kennyboy, if you're still having problems, a few more details might help get things resolved. Let us know. --Barry
Yamaha: Motif XF6 and XS6, A3000V2, A4000, YS200 | Korg: T3EX, 05R/W | Fender Chroma Polaris | Roland U-220 | Etc.
#73978 - 02/20/05 09:25 AM
Re: Problems with Yamaha DX7
Registered: 11/02/04
Posts: 147
Originally posted by kennyboy: The "strange" messages I was talking about are really strange... I mean that when I tweak the mod wheel, I get random midi messages from random midi channels. There's control change messages, start and stop messages, aftertouch messages, note on/off messages... The same occurs when several keys are pressed quickly, not meaning hard. Well, that certainly is bizarre behavior. I have a few more questions before offering further suggestions. 1) Do you have the owner's manual? 2) Have you tried a factory reset? 3) What happens (what does the readout say)when you enter Function mode (press the "Function" button)? 4) Are there any signs that the unit has been modified or damaged? --Barry
Yamaha: Motif XF6 and XS6, A3000V2, A4000, YS200 | Korg: T3EX, 05R/W | Fender Chroma Polaris | Roland U-220 | Etc.