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#74034 - 02/07/05 12:55 PM How to import PSR2k sound bank to PC
MusicJohn Offline

Registered: 02/13/03
Posts: 43
Loc: Garner, NC, USA
Okay, you Guru's! I need help. I just got the SONAR S/W, and I wnat to import the sound bank from my 2K to the PC, so that I can use them when I arrange/edit songs on the S/W. I read through the 2K manual, but it must have slipped by me....Can anyone direct me to the chapter and verse or tell me how to do it?


#74035 - 02/14/05 03:58 AM Re: How to import PSR2k sound bank to PC
Nigel Online   wise

Registered: 06/01/98
Posts: 6484
Loc: Ventura CA USA
I'm not sure exactly what you mean. If you are saying you want to have the 2K sounds on your PC so you can hear them without having your 2K connected then that is not possible. The only way you can use your 2K with MIDI software on the PC is to keep it connected over MIDI so it is always using it for the sound source while arranging on the PC. The only thing you can do it to get an INS file with the patch names for the 2K so that you can select the 2K patches by name rather than number.

#74036 - 02/14/05 06:07 AM Re: How to import PSR2k sound bank to PC
MusicJohn Offline

Registered: 02/13/03
Posts: 43
Loc: Garner, NC, USA
Here is my problem: When I play certain songs from the PC on the 2k, I hear the sounds generated by the Sonar sound bank. It sounds fine. However, if I take that midi file and put it on a floppy, and then take that floppy and insert it into the 2K and load it into the 2K, and play it...some of the sounds coming out are different. So I was told that this happens because the Sound Bank of the 2K is slightly different than the Sound Bank in Sonar that is being used to play the midi file???

Does this make sense?

That is why I need to somehow be able to load the 2K sounds into the PC Sonar software, so that I can edit on the PC and hear what it is going to sound like, without having to turn on the 2K until I am ready to use it on the 2K??



#74037 - 02/14/05 06:23 AM Re: How to import PSR2k sound bank to PC
Uncle Dave Offline
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Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 12800
Loc: Penn Yan, NY
Sonar doesn't HAVE sounds. It has program chage info the gets transmitted to a SOUND SOURCE. Your PC has a sound card that can play these sounds internally, or you can send the signal to an EXTERNAL source, like your 2k.
What you need to do is connect the 2k to your PC as the midi sound source, and use it to listen to all changes, arrangements, sequences that are generated or played by Sonar. You can get GM or XG instrument derfinitions for Sonar that will match up with the internal sound set from your 2k, but the best way to get what you want is to listen to it on the 2k, right from the start.
I know this all sounds confusing, but think of it this way:

*Sonar is the conductor of an orchestra
*Your pc is the local VFW WWII players,
*the 2k is the NY Philharmonic players.
....which ones would YOU rather listen to, playing your music?
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#74038 - 02/14/05 11:32 AM Re: How to import PSR2k sound bank to PC
Fran Carango Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 05/26/99
Posts: 9673
Loc: Levittown, Pa, USA
John, what you hear on playback is the wavetable assigned to your soundcard..It is most likely an FM table or average sounding wavetable..You can install a Yamaha soft synth[Wavetable], or any other higher grade[Roland VSC]..


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