I have a number of options for my next upgrade. I would be interested in your thoughts. I need to replace my ISA SB16 with a PCI soundcard. As a result, can anyone recommend a good PCI soundcard with a wavetable connector. An alternative to this is to buy something like the creative labs SB live, but is it actually any better than what I've already got. Or is it worse? The final option is to go the whole hog and buy a Yamaha SW1000XG. If I choose this option can I still use my motherboard sound chip for basic windows? Thanks!
Hi, I would go for the last option, the SW1000XG card is a great tool. An SB16 would happily co-exist with the Yamaha card, so you can keep what you already have. And, there aren't any PCI cards with wavetable connectors.(I think!)