This is starting to frustrate me a bit ...... I thought I had all of the VL's parameters set to receive data, but there must be SOMETHING I missed ...... I have the tone generator hooked up to my beige G3 .... mini din8 (Mac serial) cable goes from the "To Host" port to my printer port ....... OMS 2.3.8 is loaded, and evidently recognizes the device OK, because I can preview voices from inside my OMS "Studio Setup" window (on my Mac)........ I am attempting to upload some recently acquired voices to the "Custom" bank of the VL-70m ....... attempting to use the Yamaha expert editor to open the ".Lib" file with my voices, and use the "Send To Synth" command ........ the error message I keep getting is "Midi Not Passing -1000" ........ What am I missing guys?

Tone generator settings for receiving sysex data are "on" , dev = "all" ...... the selector switch next to the "To Host" port is set to Mac, as it should be ...... I'm just not sure what else to mess with.

Thanks in advance ........ Eric