Hello together
Since about 6 weeks i try to setup a enviroment (Emagic Platinum) for the S80.
There are no problems building faders for Controler data. To get also the effect section (Delay,Arppegio)working, i need help how to setup the correct systax, to create specific sysex faders. I tried several combinations without succees.
Normaly synthesizer are sending the sysex data over midi out when selecting the parameter. The S80 only sends the controler data. So i'am not able to record the sysex string.
1.Does anybody have some experience with Yamaha sysex.Maybe some literature.
2.Does Yamaha have a Supportcenter where
they give you a answer. Tried several times,
to email Yamaha Germany, but they did not answered until now.
3.Does anybody knows how to setup the S80, to send the sysex data through midi out.
Thanks for all infos Mogli