3351: Thanks for the greets. Yup, into synths. PSRs are not synths...IMHO, toys!
Racked Pro5..nice! You have some good kit! (holds back jealous pangs!)
For some reason unbeknownst to me, I am a bit of a 'RolandKid'...303, 2 x 202, 606, 707, 727, 808, J106 etc but I also have quite a few other 'tabletop' modules (it's hard to have rack gear on your lap whilst watching tee-vee!) Korg EA/ER/ES etc
Well, hope I can help the 'real synth' movement here!
Sanvean:Who you be on VSE?
The VSE forum is back up in it's 'new and improved' state.
I don't like the fact that it was just changed with no warning.
I don't like the fact that all threads were lost.
I don't like the fact that the Admin/Mods are faceless and have never contributed in any discussion for the past 3 years nor did they bother to ask any of the serious regulars as to what should be concidered for improvements etc.
I intend to help here as much as poss and will see how the 'new' VSE goes...