Only a 4 day vaccation and I see I was missed. We'll because of you guys, I'm back. My wife didn't let me log onto ANY computers ... rats!!
Ok, here is what we have so far...
* YAMAHA Tyros 2 - with IDC styles and goodies - $2780.00 shipped.
* KORG PA800 - with ... well, - $2480.00 shipped.
* Sold out on the YAMAHA S900 for now, but have one S700 for $860.00 shipped
Zuki - not sure I got your emails but please re-send to axa130@hotmail. In the subject, make SURE you put the keyboard you're interested in, e.g "Yamaha Tyros 2 - Synthzone". This tells me you'll get the discounted SZ price!!