Roland VA-7 With Kaces wheeled case 1000 dollars or best reasonable offer + shipping

Technics sm-ac 1200 midi orchestra $ 335 with technics FC-2 foot controller and manual

Mackie SRS1500 Active Subwoofers

Mackie DFX 6 CFX12 with carpet covered road case

a few different road cases both anvil type and carpet covered for rack mount gear,
An anvil type case for a turntable "I Think"

a few more keyboard cases, 2 soft 1 carpet covered

a crest vs 900 stereo power amp , and korg cx3.

Gator 4 space plastic rack

Quick lok speaker stands and bag

2 Z type keyboard stands at least one is quik lok and 2 tier.

A digitech rackmount vocalist I don't know the model number but if you're interested I'll dig it out of the rack and take pictures.


[This message has been edited by mikeathome1 (edited 07-18-2005).]